Upper ValleyTurning Point

The Upper Valley Turning Point is a community center for people in recovery from substance use disorder and other addictive behaviors. Located off Route 5 at the Wilder/Norwich border in eastern-central Vermont, the Turning Point provides a safe, substance-free environment populated by people in recovery who offer peer support at no cost to the consumer.
We offer:
a staffed drop-in center
a meeting location for a variety of recovery groups
a place for substance-free recreation and fellowship
NAVIGATION FOR treatment services providing information, referrals, and assistance in gaining access.
a resource for education and community support
We provide Narcan, the overdose reversal medication, with no charge
Our experienced staff provides outreach to our community partners and works with the Hartford Police Department and Health Care and Rehab Services of Hartford, VT with people who have a non-fatal overdose episode, or those who come in contact with the police that request help.
We partner with the DUI treatment court and offer every participant two visits with staff: one to introduce them to the possibilities recovery can offer and a follow-up visit assessing if peer supports have been helpful or to learn what has stopped a person from engaging.
We are proud to partner with the Mount Ascutney Hospital on their Community Health Improvement Program focusing on substance use and misuse issues.
On the horizon: Collaborate with Better Life Partners, a medication-assisted recovery program that provides a pathway for those who are physically dependent on substances to begin to build a life in recovery. We are excited about forming this partnership because we know that when formal and clinical treatment ends there is suddenly a void. Having a network of support is critical to maintain the hard won freedom from using substances individuals achieve. We want to help those in recovery to keep what they've earned and enjoy a meaningful recovery lifestyle.

"What we have at the Turning Point, where people are sober, they are our peers. They're people who can identify with us." -Linda
The Upper Valley Turning Point facilities include:
large and small meeting rooms
lounge area
library with recovery and general-interest reading and audiovisual materials
public access computers
A state of the art audio visual system used for training and for entertainment.
pool table
a full kitchen
An outdoor area for summer events, barbecuing, volleyball, horseshoes, and campfires.
Recovery groups holding meetings at the Turning Point include:
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Al-Anon Family Groups (Alanon)
All Recovery
Narcotics Anonymous
Occasional special interest classes (yoga, writing, meditation)
Overeaters Anonymous (OA)
Recovery Dharma
The Upper Valley Turning Point is inclusive. We recognize that there are many paths to recovery, and we welcome inquiries from recovery groups of all types.
The Upper Valley Turning Point served as the model for the Vermont Recovery Centers Network, which was established in 2002. The doors of the Newport recovery center opened in 2015 making a total of 12 recovery centers operating in the state of Vermont.